4chan v thread number archive
4chan v thread number archive

4chan v thread number archive 4chan v thread number archive

These are all part of HRN they’re all part of a chain they’re all different there’s other communities there’s like animal discussing communities there’s left wing politics discussions it’s not all toxic or whatever like it’s it’s a it’s a pretty sizable site but the chunks of it that are toxic are the most toxic places on the Internet you know kind of things get more extreme as the years go on and after it’s been up like a year or so because it grows very large it becomes a huge burden to Frederick just to keep online because number one it’s not coded perfectly obviously with the mushrooms when he made it in number two is just it’s a very large site and running a site of that size when you’re a single person is an insurmountable task really. And so he built this Web site coded it while he was still tripping on mushrooms and released it to the Internet as sort of a kind of radical free speech Haven because he was kind of you know that was something he was really a believer in at that point and a number of different boards are started including bafflement which is dedicated to harassing people and boxing them and you know coal which becomes this Nazi haven. And he’s also a very good coder and he took mushrooms one day and was struck with the idea of creating infinite charm as opposed to fortune.

4chan v thread number archive